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How Much Is My Accident Claim Worth?

Experienced Colorado lawyer explains the true value of your injury claim

One of the most common questions people have after a car accident is how much their accident claim is worth. This question might seem straightforward, but the answer is often not as simple as many people might think. That’s because many different issues often come into play in cases involving crashes caused by another driver. That’s why it’s important to talk with someone who thoroughly understands how the system works.

We can help you every step of the way at The Longo Firm, LLC, in Colorado Springs. Attorney Stephen A. Longo knows what to do because he and his talented legal team have been helping injury victims get the money they deserve for years. In case after case, we consistently obtain sizable settlements and verdicts for injury victims. Case results matter here.

We also realize your case is about more than just money. It’s about making sure your accident and your best interests get the attention you rightfully deserve. That’s why attorney Longo gives clients his personal cellphone number. That way, you can reach him anytime you have a question about your case. We work this way because we believe we should be accessible on your terms.

Who decides how much my accident is worth?

Insurance companies are often the ones that decide how much an accident is worth and how much money injury victims should receive. This is important since insurance companies are the ones that are often responsible for paying injury victims in most cases. As a result, insurance companies have an interest in the value of an injury claim.

This arrangement is due to the fault-based insurance system in many states when it comes to motor vehicle accidents. That means the at-fault party is responsible for paying for the accident-related expenses for injury victims. Colorado has such a system. Under this system, the insurance company for the at-fault driver is responsible for compensating injury victims.

So what does this mean? Often, it’s the insurance company for the at-fault driver that decides who should be paid and how much they should be paid. Not surprisingly, many insurance companies underestimate the value of an accident claim.

How do insurance companies determine the value of my claim?

Many different factors often come into play when insurance companies come up with a value for your accident claim. Often, the insurance company for at-fault driver will take into accident emergency medical expenses and replacement income if you cannot work after your accident.

This might seem fair at first, but the reality is many accident claims are often worth far more money. That’s because insurance companies often don’t take into account other accident expenses, particularly long-term expenses anticipated in the future. Such expenses are common in cases involving serious injuries or permanent disabilities. That’s why it’s important to consult with a lawyer about the total value of your accident claim. Otherwise, you might not get the money you rightfully deserve.

Should I accept a settlement offer?

Don’t be surprised if the at-fault driver’s insurance company makes a settlement offer soon after your accident. You might be tempted to accept such an offer, especially if the settlement offer takes into account emergency medical care and other short-term expenses.

Many initial settlement offers don’t cover all your accident expenses. As a result, if you agree to accept such an offer, you won’t have enough money for additional, future expenses. That’s because once you accept a settlement offer, you cannot come back and ask for more money, even if your future expenses are significantly higher than expected.

This is why it’s important to carefully consider any settlement offer before you agree to accept it. An experienced lawyer can help you review any offer you receive and help you decide if you should accept it or ask for more money. They can provide guidance on what your settlement might be worth and whether it’s in your interest to file a car accident lawsuit.

What can I be compensated for?

The bottom line is you should be paid for all expenses related to your accident, now and in the future. Such expenses can cover a wide range, including:

  • Money for past, present and future medical care related to your accident, including surgical procedures, physical therapy and prescription medications.
  • Vehicle repair or replacement costs.
  • Replacement income if you can’t work while recovering from your crash.
  • Lost future income if you cannot return to work due to a permanent disability.
  • Pain and suffering in certain circumstances.

These are just a few of the items you can and should be compensated for after your accident. There is no single average settlement for a car accident because every injury claim is different. Someone with a severe back injury may have a claim worth more than someone who suffered a minor concussion, but there is no way of knowing until your accident is investigated. That’s why important to talk to a lawyer as soon as possible to learn more about how much your claim could potentially be worth.

Demand the money you deserve. Contact us.

After an accident caused by another driver, it’s critical that you receive the money you deserve for all your accident-related expenses. That’s our job as your lawyer. That’s why attorney Longo wants to meet with you. He knows how negotiate effectively with insurance companies. He understands how the system works.

Get the law firm that gets results. Contact us and schedule your free case evaluation right now. We can answer your questions, explain your options and get right to work demanding the money you deserve.

The Longo Firm, LLC – no games, no gimmicks, just results.

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